Monday, June 28, 2010

Jendral yang Sudah Kehilangan Akal Sehatnya.

Sebuah pesan untuk Sang Jendral.

Saya rasa tidak perlu lagi mengumbar cerita, seluruh dunia juga sudah tau tabiat Anda. Saya hanya ingin menyampaikan sebuah pesan dan sebaris doa.
Untuk Anda, Sang Jendral.

Mulailah belajar untuk berhenti memfitnah orang lain, Pak.
Mulailah belajar untuk diam kalo memang tidak tau apa-apa.
Inget, Bapak juga punya anak perempuan. Apa yang Bapak rasakan kalo anak perempuan Bapak difitnah orang lain?
Seperti ditampar, Pak.
Toh, Bapak juga bukan orang suci. Bapak tidak punya hak untuk memberi label kepada saya ataupun kepada yang lain. Bapak tidak punya hak menilai saya seperti apa.
Karena Bapak tidak mengenal saya. Yang Bapak tau hanya sebagian kecil dari saya.
Yang Bapak tau hanya tanggal 1 setiap bulannya.

Mulailah belajar untuk tidak angkuh, Pak.
Rejeki ada di tangan Tuhan.
Bapak dan keluarga Bapak tidak sepantasnya menyombongkan materi yang Bapak punya. Tidak sepantasnya Bapak memandang rendah orang lain. Ini bukan masalah materi, Pak. Tapi sebuah hubungan mutualisme, akan adanya kebutuhan kami yang bisa keluarga Bapak sediakan.
Kalo mau kasar, mau makan apa keluarga Bapak tanpa kami?
Apa yang Bapak lakukan kalo suatu saat semua materi itu sudah tidak ada? Apalagi yang mau disombongkan?

Saya tidak mengutuk.
Saya belajar untuk tidak mendendam, dan mengikhlaskan apa yang sudah terjadi.
Tapi jangan sampai cuma saya saja yang belajar. Saya harap Bapak juga bisa belajar. Dari kesalahan, dari apa yang terjadi.
Mungkin sebuah peringatan dari Tuhan. Diingatkan bahwa Tuhan masih sayang pada kita.

Saya tidak takut pada Bapak.
Tolong dicatat, dari awal-pun saya tidak pernah takut.
Terlebih saat ini. Kalo saya yang bersalah, saya pasti tidak akan pernah berani menampakkan batang hidung saya di masyarakat.

Apa yang Bapak lakukan, bisa kembali ke Bapak 10 kali lipat. Karena karma does exist.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

don't you know?

March 28th, 2010 - @yalandolah
I <3 you :*

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We come to
love not by
finding a perfect person,
but by learning to see
an imperfect person



A Circle.

This is a story, about you and me. About you and him. About me and him.
We’re brought together by destiny.

You can’t make the length of time that you spend with him some time ago as a measure for comparing the quality of my relationship with him.

Because we’re different. Because you and I were different.

I'm not making comparisons between what he was when he with me, or he was when with you. But I'm proving what you tell to everybody about him were wrong, and why you broke up.

I wonder, why could you said bad words about him in front of others? Yet after all you were once told you miss him, ever hugged him, he's also the one you used to kiss. Then why should you spreading bad stories about him? Especially if the story wasn't true.
Why did you lie?

Don’t judge yourself too high. Proud of yourself because of the time you spend with him a lot longer than me. Yer relationship didn’t work. What would be proud of?
Because you hurt him by dating his best friend? Great.

Not that I'm allowed to judge right or wrong. Yer relationship wasn’t my bussines. But it becomes my business because he's with me now, and when you disturb my relationship, and when you tell a lie about him.

What you can be proud now? None. Because in the end you don’t get them both. Because at the end, you're now alone, stuck by yer own speech.

Life is like a circle. Sometimes we're above, sometimes below. Yer under when you broke up with him. I also might on the bottom too, just like you yesterday.
But I don’t think now is the time. Not him.

This is a story about a cycle. A circle. Between you and me, you and him. About our circle of friends.

first trial my orange aquapix

GOTO went swimming two weeks ago, in order to celebrate one of GOTO's personnel: Adinda Fani Rushan Kastoer, the birthday girl. We swam in public pool on Setiabudhi Regency. To get there, we rented public vehicle or angkot with a nice driver named A' Dadi.
And as usual, it isn't complete if we don't have a nice photo session. So I brought my brand new orange aquapix :p A camera that can take picture underwater.

Here's the result. Enjoy :)

To see other photo(s), click here.

Overall, it was sooo fun and refreshing before the last semester exams. And the most important thing is our quality time together.

Happy weekend, people. See you on next post :)

Bunch of love,


'Nothing takes the flavour out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love'
- Charlie Brown

Inspired by Raditya Dika's latest book, Marmut Merah Jambu


Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

Denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality.

(from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Yeah, I am one of them which is often denied.

Why did I make a denial, and so do other normal human beings? Because life is unpredictable. Just like the human heart.
Even if there are other reasons why people do the denial may be due to anything that happens in them, they don't want to become public consumption.
Given the word denial, I remembered @NurulUnyil's words (click here to follow her on twitter), that denial is the highest form of saying yes.

Bunch of love,